In 2007, ConAgra Foods had undergone tremendous change. With a new business strategy focused solely on food, this corporate giant headquartered in Omaha, Neb., needed to drive consumer preference and ultimately, stockholder value.
ConAgra Foods had dozens of superstar brands: think Orville Redenbacher’s, Chef Boyardee, and Healthy Choice. But almost no one—including employees, grocery chains and investors—were connecting these popular brands to the larger company.
I led the development of the brand position and launch campaign, “Food You Love,” that helped drive a healthy increase in stock price, as well as all-time highs in employee engagement scores.

It started with a research assignment, but the opportunity to truly transform a great yet invisible American brand became evident... starting with the new logo and high-level positioning line.

A brand story helped capture the voice and put the strategic messaging in context.

The unveiling was a complete surprise. At a routine staff-wide meeting, CEO Gary Rodkin gave an emotional, impassioned presentation outlining the vision of the future.

As employees were leaving, they were presented with a hot-off-the-press Omaha World Herald with the ConAgra Foods rebranding story on the front page. They were also given a t-shirt with the new logo on the front and the logos of all 50 brand on the back with the words "I love to make the food you love." A reminder that whether you were a security guard or the guy who actually made the gravy, you were responsible for making food that made people smile.

Overnight, the campus and plants were transformed. It was clear that this was a new day.

In the biggest initiatives, the smallest details can make a huge difference. In this case employees were encouraged to put their favorite brands—the food THEY loved—on the back of their business cards and on their email signatures. This allowed them to participate in a brand versus being forced to follow a hollow corporate edict.

As part of a 360-degree campaign designed to reach Wall Street investors at every touch point of their day. This is a news stand in the financial district.

A Wall Street Journal ad serving as an introduction to ConAgra Foods - a company you always knew,
but didn't know it.

Unique media placements, such as this multi-spread bottom strip, helped educate audiences of the depth and breadth of ConAgra's brand portfolio.

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